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Guest Author Chad Tackett, CPT Founder of Fast Track to Fat Loss When you're constantly hungry, it makes choosing the right foods at the right times really challenging. Staying full and energized while eating fewer calories—that’s the secret to long-term fat loss success. Here are 4 key strategies for feeling satisfied after a healthy meal and staying full longer. You'll not only have a lot more energy, you'll crave (and eat) less later. . . 1. Eat your water. Yes, eat. Drinking water is great, and you should throughout the...

When you’re new to the process of making your own vinaigrette, you’ll want to measure your ingredients but after you find the combination you like most, you’ll be able to make it in your sleep. The method is the same for each recipe - whisk all ingredients together and add in oil at the end. I like mixing dressings in a mason jar because you can shake everything together and you can store the works in the fridge without ruining another dish. It is important to note that the key...